Disciple First Staff

Ben Borgman
BIO: Ben was called into fulltime ministry in 2014 after 12 years in the business world. He has been a part of the discipleFIRST team since we were created. Ben’s passion is to help people figure out how to be everyday disciple makers. Ben and his wife Kari, live in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. They have two children Karson and Ally.

Keith Williams
BIO: Keith was called into full-time ministry starting in 2015 after 26 years in the Corporate Information Technology world. Keith’s passion for the nations and disciple-making started in his early college years and continues as he invests time in discipling like Jesus. He has been on numerous mission trips across the globe and has regularly worked with students in Romania since 2017. Keith lives in the DFW area and is a deacon & active member of CrossCreek Church.