Conflict happens. It’s a fact of life that people can love God and want what is best, and yet they can still disagree. Disagreement isn’t the problem; the problem is […]
Conflict happens. It’s a fact of life that people can love God and want what is best, and yet they can still disagree. Disagreement isn’t the problem; the problem is […]
Aligning with Jesus means standing against the world. In (1 Peter 1.16-17 NLT), Peter quotes from the old Testament … “For the Scriptures say, ‘You must be holy, because I […]
From the top of Mount Arbel in Galilee, you can see for miles. To the north, you can see the peak of Mount Hermon, the largest mountain in Israel towering […]
There’s a strong connection between loving and giving. When you love someone, you give whatever you can to meet their needs and show your affection. Love is what motivated Jesus […]
Living with Jesus at the center is not easy. In fact, it’s a battle. Your old wayward, sinful self will fight every step along the way, but Jesus made a […]
It doesn’t take much to see that the church in North America is struggling. What is a raging fire in the East is down to a flicker in the West. […]
Before you became a Christ follower, you were a prayer request. Someone was praying for you to come to know Jesus, and God moved in response to their prayers. This […]
Communication is not a one-way street. For a couple to truly communicate, they need to have a conversation — not just a monologue. Both must be engaged in listening and […]
Loving people will cost you. Once you decide to become emotionally and spiritually invested in another person, you feel the weight of caring for them and helping them to become […]