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SBTC His Way Still Works Workshop (Iowa Park)

April 1 @ 10:00 am - 2:00 pm


His Way Still Works Workshop

It is far too common for leaders to feel overwhelmed and busy, yet at the same time struggle in moving ministry forward.  Many times, these frustrations stem from not being able to get everyone involved in ministry on the same page, moving forward together. What if there was a way of doing ministry that could bring alignment to everyone on your team and help move ministry forward together, towards a common purpose?

During this workshop we will:
– Discover a proven path of aligning your ministry strategies and teams
– Unpack many of the pitfalls that keep churches from making disciples and reaching their communities for Christ
– Explore crafting your own plan for getting your team on the same page and moving towards fulfilling the Great Commission together

This workshop is a great first step in crafting a plan to develop a unifying strategy, providing clear direction, eliminating confusion, and rallying your people towards a common purpose. Lunch and a free copy of His Way Still Works:  A Fresh Look at the Life and Ministry of Jesus and Why it Matters Today will be provided with your registration.

Join us on Tuesday, April 1st from 10:00am – 2:00pm CDT at First Baptist Church, Iowa Park – 300 North Yosemite Street, Iowa Park, TX 76367!

Cost: $15 (includes lunch and a copy of “His Way Still Works”)

Register Here!


April 1
10:00 am - 2:00 pm


FBC Iowa Park
300 North Yosemite St
Iowa Park, 76367 United States
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