The call to follow Jesus
Jesus’ invitation to people was simply to follow him. Over twenty-four times in the gospels, Jesus spoke the words, “follow me.” In Greek, the word for this is akoloutheo, which means “to follow” or “to go behind” someone, either physically or in behavior and mindset.
It carries the idea of being completely shaped by another’s example; to put your foot in the footprints of another. Jesus wants His disciples to follow him.
What does it mean to follow Jesus?
When He was walking the earth, there was some sense that Jesus was calling these disciples to physically be with Him, but it meant more than just that. He wanted His followers to be close to Him and follow his leadership and example.
Remember when He confronted the Pharisees for their hardness of heart? He said they stubbornly remained in unbelief because they were not His sheep. In John 10:26, He told them, “You don’t believe because you are not of my sheep.”
He then contrasted their unbelief and resistance to those who followed Him, saying, “My sheep hear my voice, I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27). Those who follow Jesus listen to His voice (His message, His gospel, His counsel) and they willingly follow. We are told to walk like Jesus (1 John 2:6), think like Jesus (Philippians 2:5), act like Jesus (John 14:12), and follow His example (1 Peter 2:21).
Jesus plainly said to His disciples, “I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done for you” (John 13:15). Even the Apostle Paul understood this when He said, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1 NIV).
Jesus’ way is our model for ministry
Jesus is our example, and we are to carry on his ministry the way He started it. Unfortunately, for many church leaders today, Jesus’ approach to ministry has long been forgotten. Most teach the words of Jesus, preach the sermons of Jesus, and tell stories about him.
Some emulate the works of Jesus; that is, they care for the poor, pray for the sick, and do other ministry things Jesus did. However, I’ve found that few ministry leaders today do ministry the way Jesus did ministry.
What does it mean to do ministry Jesus’ way?
It means to take on Jesus’ way of doing ministry and make it our way of doing ministry. He is the model to emulate and the example to follow. Embracing a Jesus-centered philosophy of ministry begins with embracing four foundational truths:
1. Jesus’ way is revealed in the gospels.
Jesus did everything on purpose. He was intentional with every step. Many mistakenly assume Jesus wandered around teaching and doing miracles and somehow ended up with men who could lead. Nothing could be further from the truth.
A careful study of His life reveals that Jesus had an intentional plan, and that He intentionally developed His disciples from common, ordinary men into world changers through an identifiable process.
2. Jesus’ way applies to any context.
Jesus’ way is so simple yet profound that it can be applied to any culture and ministry context. Some have said that Jesus’ way won’t work in today’s modern world. However, throughout church history we have seen great movements of God in rural, urban, and suburban contexts as people follow principles from Jesus’ ministry.
3. Jesus’ way is complete.
While the principles of Jesus’ way of ministry are simple, they are also complete. In other words, we can’t improve on Jesus’ model. Unfortunately, the current church has, in many ways, replaced Jesus’ way of ministry with a more “modern” way.
Technology has replaced personal touch, programming has replaced personal investment, and worship services have replaced personal growth. But Jesus’ way is always the best way. It doesn’t need improving or updating; it needs to be followed.
4. Jesus’ way should be followed.
Jesus expects us to follow His way. The call to follow Jesus isn’t a suggestion-it’s a command. I’m convinced that Jesus will hold ministry leaders accountable not only for what they did in ministry, but also how they did it. Did they follow His way or their own way?
If Jesus trained His men to do ministry a certain way and expected them to do it His way, it’s safe to say that He expects nothing less of us.
The standard for Ministry
For ministry leaders, following Jesus includes doing ministry the way Jesus did it. Everything we do must be measured against His life and ministry. Our philosophies of ministry must be Jesus-centered. He is the model. He is our example. His way is the best way.
This blog features an excerpt from one of our books, His Way Still Works.