“Bold Moves” | Lead the Church to Live like Jesus

(1 customer review)

Seven Bold Moves to Becoming a Disciple-Making Church.
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Jesus told his followers to “go make disciples of all nations,” but somewhere along the line the church has drifted off course from that mission. Today there are few churches intentionally focused on making disciples the way Jesus made disciples. However, there is a new breed of leadership determined to see disciple-making take center stage in the life of the local church. In “Bold Moves”, Pastor Craig Etheredge reveals the seven steps necessary to transition any church to become an intentional disciple-making church. He also brings to the table over twenty years of experience in leading churches to become thriving, healthy, multiplying churches.

Additional information

Weight 14 oz
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × .65 in

1 review for “Bold Moves” | Lead the Church to Live like Jesus

  1. Fred Miller (verified owner)

    “The church has forgotten its intended purpose, to make disciples of Jesus Christ who in turn will make more disciples.” This brilliant statement by Dr. Etheredge is the book’s premise, and he lays out a compelling case on how to accomplish that specific mission. Basically we need need to walk as He walked, talk as He talked, and do what He did, and think as He thought, writes Etheredge. Lay a foundation of prayer, then lean on the Holy Spirit for the power to multiply. Great book!

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