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The Power of Team Leaders in Disciple-Making Movements

The Power of Team Leaders in Disciple-Making Movements

In any disciple-making movement, the role of the team leader is crucial. Whether you’re serving in a small group, leading an outreach ministry, or guiding volunteers, the impact of a leader extends far beyond just organizing tasks. It touches the hearts, minds, and spiritual growth of everyone involved. So, what makes a great team leader in the context of a disciple-making culture?

1. Jesus as the Model of Team Leadership

The ultimate example of leading teams is Jesus. His approach to leading His disciples is the blueprint for developing and guiding teams. Jesus wasn’t just a visionary—He actively invested in His disciples, casting a clear vision for them, guiding their spiritual and personal growth, as well as helping them personally engage in ministry.

From the moment He called His first disciples, Jesus set a tone of commitment, faith, and purpose. He demonstrated how to engage, challenge, and shepherd a group of individuals to fulfill a shared mission. In this podcast episode, we unpack some of the key lessons from Jesus’ leadership that are relevant for us today as we aim to build strong disciple-making teams.

2. The Role of a Team Leader: More than Just a Manager

Many people think of team leadership as simply organizing tasks and keeping things on track. However, team leaders in a disciple-making movement must go deeper. They are not only responsible for managing a team but also for guiding the spiritual and personal development of their team members. Jesus, as the shepherd, calls us to care deeply for the well-being and growth of the people we lead.

One of the key qualities of a team leader is the ability to engage and challenge. Just as Jesus encouraged Peter to step out in faith, team leaders must inspire their teams to take bold steps and grow in their faith, not just complete the task at hand. Team leaders also have to model this approach to leadership, engaging their team with clear vision and a heart that reflects Jesus’ passion for people.

3. Creating a Positive Culture through Team Leaders

A good team leader can elevate the morale and culture of a team, while a poor leader can diminish it. Creating an environment of trust, collaboration, and spiritual growth is essential for any team leader. This culture is often contagious, spreading not just within the team but throughout the entire organization or church.

Team leaders must focus on both task-oriented goals and the spiritual health of their team members. Jesus set an example by investing time in His disciples, teaching them not only what to do but also how to have a heart for God and ministry. This kind of investment in people results in stronger teams that are more aligned with the mission and more passionate about fulfilling it.

4. Developing Leadership and Shepherding Skills

Key leadership skills such as vision casting, engaging people, and having a shepherd’s heart are essential. These aren’t just qualities to admire from afar but practices that every team leader should exemplify and model to their teams. As you step into leadership, ask yourself:

  • How can I challenge my team to take steps of faith?
  • In what ways can I model Jesus’ care for my team members?
  • How can I create a space where spiritual growth is just as important as completing tasks?

5. Ensuring the Mission is Accomplished

The end goal of any disciple-making movement is to multiply disciples and fulfill the mission of the church. Team leaders are pivotal in living out that mission at every level of your ministry. By focusing on both the individual growth of team members and the overall mission, team leaders ensure that the church is not just busy but effective in loving people well and making disciples who multiply.

Ready to Lead?

If you’re in a leadership position or preparing to step into one, listen to ‘The Disciple-Making Leader Podcast’. We dive deep into how to be an effective team leader and how to develop the qualities necessary to shepherd your team toward success in the mission of making disciples. So, grab a notebook, tune in, and get ready to be inspired!

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2 thoughts on “The Power of Team Leaders in Disciple-Making Movements

  1. Do you have articles in Spanish

    1. Unfortunately, we only have blog posts & podcasts in English. However, we do have some resources translated into Spanish, including the Grow Series & Explore books and the Path of Life booklet.

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