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3 Ways to Help Others Share the Gospel

In last week’s blog post, we discussed how fear can hold us back from what God has called us to: sharing the Gospel and making disciples.


It can be intimidating. For some, we are the first experience that people have with Christians. Our witness matters, deeply.


This week, we’re discussing three ways you can help others practice in order to share the Gospel.


Sharing the Gospel Through Your Personal Testimony


A person’s testimony of what God has done in their life is a powerful tool to spread the good news to others. It was a tool the apostles used throughout the book of Acts and in the letters of the New Testament.


In Acts 2, Peter gives a speech to a crowd after the Holy Spirit came. Peter shares his experience following Jesus. In Acts 22, Paul shares his testimony, explaining his journey on the road to Damascus and being struck blind.


But this wasn’t a new thing. Throughout Jesus’ ministry, he told followers to go home and tell others about what the Lord has done for them (Mark 5:19). Jesus calls on us to share what he has done in our lives.


If someone asked you what God has done for you, would you be able to tell them?


If not, your challenge today is to practice writing down your story, including how you came to know Jesus and what he has done in your life. Practice sharing it with your small group or your staff and challenge them to practice sharing theirs as well.

Use tools that have been developed to quickly and easily share the Gospel.

One of our favorite tools here at discipleFIRST is The Path of Life. This tool was created by Craig Etheredge as a way to quickly share the Gospel along side a visual component.


The path of life actually begins with the path that God originally intended for us to live. When God created the world, He created humans to have a desire and the capacity to have a deep and personal relationship with Him.


But somewhere along the way, we decided that we should trade in God’s plan and purpose for our lives for our own plans. We have chosen to veer off His path and have turned to our own way. This straying is also referred to as sin.


Because of this, Jesus came and died for our sin, was buried, and rose again.


Interested in resourcing your team with this tool? Purchase the Path of Life here.

Exemplify the Gospel in both work and deed.

The Gospel isn’t meant to only be words that we say. The Gospel informs every action that Christ-followers should take. And the Gospel isn’t only to be shared with unbelievers. It’s meant to inform our faith, every day.


Consider the way you treat those in your life. In your workplace. In your neighborhood. In your home. In your church.


Can you say that your actions in each of those places exemplify the Gospel?


If not, think about ways you can show the Gospel to other with your actions. Discuss ways your church can serve its community with the deacons or elders. Invite your neighbors over for a meal. Help your elderly neighbor clean out their gutters. Love your neighbor.


Are you curious about engaging the disengaged world with the Gospel? We’d like to invite you to a free, one-hour training on April 8th, 2021 at 1:00pm CST. Join Glenn Underhill, Craig Etheredge, and special guest, Brian Doyle, former World Series Champion. Together, they’ll be sharing practical tips on moving casual conversations to Gospel conversations.

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