The sun was bright, and the sky was clear as I climbed on top of Mount Arbel. This mountain is a special one in the life of Jesus and special […]
The sun was bright, and the sky was clear as I climbed on top of Mount Arbel. This mountain is a special one in the life of Jesus and special […]
You were made to make an eternal impact. God didn’t save you to simply live a life that was safe, predictable and cautious. He saved you to leave a legacy […]
Imagine over 2 million Jewish slaves wandering in the wilderness. For 400 years they were enslaved in Egypt, providing the hard labor force to support the luxurious lifestyle of its […]
You were made for something more. What vision do you have for your life? How will you measure your success? While these questions are thought provoking, they are absolutely critical […]
The National Science Foundation conducted an extensive research project on loneliness in America. The findings were highlighted in the “American Sociological Review.” After interviewing over 1,500 people — all face […]
A disciple-making church is constantly evaluating the effectiveness of every program, event or initiative and asking the hard questions: “What part of the strategy is this accomplishing?” “Is this really […]
It was late in Jesus’ ministry. He knew that His time on earth was coming to a close. Jesus turned to His disciples and stated plainly, “We must work the works of him who sent me while it is still day, night is coming when no one can work,” (John 9.4 ESV). The work Jesus […]
Busyness can choke out your effectiveness! It was the only time I’ve ever hit my mother-in-law. She was busily preparing a special luncheon, and I could tell she was a […]
John Newton was in trouble. The battering waves and violent winds beat against the bow of his ship to the point that all hope was lost. In utter despair, John […]
Once a leader knows what a disciple looks like and understands Jesus’ four-step process for making disciples and begins to actively invest his life in people, then he is ready […]