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Overcoming Challenges Part 2

Overcoming Challenges In The Disciple-Making Process (Part 2)

This is part two of our discussion on how to overcome challenges in the disciple-making process. We’re continuing to discuss the navigation of challenges that come with investing in others.

“Dr. Etheredge, what is one word of encouragement or practical takeaway that you want to share with pastors and leaders about how to address and overcome the challenges that can sabotage a disciple-making process?”

“Yeah, I have one word of encouragement and that is this: disciple-making is challenging! It was challenging for Jesus. He had a guy in His group that didn’t make it. You can’t read about the Apostle Paul without seeing a list of names of men that stood with him, but then also see a list of names that didn’t, you know, Demas who loved the world, Alexander that left him and did much harm to him.  You know that’s just the nature of investing in your life. Disciple-making is filled with challenges, BUT it is worth it.  It is worth it to continue to invest in your life. It’s worth it because this is God’s calling, and it’s God’s work.  So I just want to encourage pastors that have been listening to this that maybe feel run down by some of these challenges, or disappointed because people didn’t really follow through, or conflict flared up or someone accused them of having ulterior motives. Hey, just stay with it!  Stay with it over the long haul and continue to make disciples that make disciples.

Be resilient.  Love Jesus.  Continue to plow the field that God has put in front of you, and as you just continue to do the work, one day you will look over your shoulder and you will see people making disciples that make disciples behind you…”

Be encouraged in the midst of the challenges! Watch the full interview above.

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